CytoSPAR at ASM Microbe 2024!

We successfully showcased our innovative BLAST technology at the ASM Microbe 2024 Conference in Atlanta from June 13-17. Missed our presentation on Rapid Phenotypic Analysis for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing? Click to view the poster.

Bacteria Labeling Antibiotic Susceptibility Test
Bacteria Labeling Antibiotic Susceptibility Test
Bacteria Labeling Antibiotic Susceptibility Test
Bacteria Labeling Antibiotic Susceptibility Test






Treat Fast with


Personalized antibiotic treatment decisions in hours, not days.

Revolutionizing Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing AST

Welcome to CytoSPAR. We're at the forefront of transforming healthcare diagnostics for complicated Urinary Tract Infections (cUTI) with BLAST (Bacteria Labeling Antibiotic Susceptibility Test). This next-generation Antibiotic Susceptibility Test AST represents a significant leap forward, enabling healthcare professionals to swiftly identify the most effective antibiotic treatments. This innovation enhances patient care and improves outcomes.

Icon highlighting the unique features of CytoSPAR's BLAST system, including rapid results and advanced antibiotic testing capabilities.

BLAST's Unique Features

BLAST redefines antibiotic susceptibility testing with its rapid, precise, and groundbreaking methodology. By analyzing antibiotic sensitivity directly from urine samples, BLAST delivers results in 5 hours, facilitating same-day therapeutic decisions. This innovative system integrates seamlessly into laboratory workflows, simplifying operations while maintaining high accuracy and reliability.

BLAST is for Research Use Only and has not been Cleared or Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Icon illustrating CytoSPAR's cutting-edge technology, driving innovation in rapid infectious disease diagnostics.

Innovative Technology

Leveraging advanced bacterial labeling technology, BLAST observes real-time bacterial responses to a broad spectrum of antibiotics, surpassing traditional testing speeds and accuracy.

Icon depicting CytoSPAR’s principle of achieving efficiency in diagnostics without compromising on accuracy or quality.

BLAST’S technology

BLAST's technology eliminates the need for a bacterial growth phase, delivering comprehensive resistance profiles in 5 hours—a stark improvement over the conventional 24-72 hour timeframe.

Why Choose BLAST?

A compassionate CytoSPAR healthcare professional discussing personalized diagnostics with a patient, showcasing our commitment to rapid diagnostics and advanced antibiotic susceptibility testing with BLAST, promoting fast results and improved patient care in medical facilities.

Speed to Recovery

With results available in just hours, treatment can begin sooner, easing symptoms and speeding up recovery.
A dedicated CytoSPAR healthcare provider discusses care options with a patient and their family member, illustrating the personal touch and informed decision-making supported by our rapid diagnostic solutions.

Accuracy & Efficiency

Direct analysis of bacteria's antibiotic response ensures precise treatment, eliminating guesswork and unnecessary antibiotic use.
A CytoSPAR researcher meticulously conducts advanced bacterial labeling in a modern laboratory setting, showcasing the innovative technology behind the BLAST Antibiotic Susceptibility Test.

Commitment to Innovation

We're committed to enhancing healthcare with technology to combat antibiotic resistance and safeguard your health.

BLAST is currently for Research Use Only and has not been Cleared or Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

How BLAST Works

Simplifying Your Path to Recovery with Precision

At CytoSPAR, our BLAST system streamlines the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other bacterial infections, ensuring a faster and more efficient recovery. Here’s a simplified explanation of how it works:

BLAST is for Research Use Only and has not been Cleared or Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

01 of 03
Sample Collection
Quick and Non-Invasive

A minimal urine sample is all it takes to start. This process is designed to be fast and patient-friendly, ensuring ease and efficiency from the very beginning.

02 of 3
Advanced Analysis
Cutting-edge Precision

Our innovative technology swiftly analyzes bacteria's response to antibiotics directly from your urine sample. This rapid and accurate assessment allows for immediate treatment decisions, significantly outpacing traditional testing methods.

03 of 3
Personalized Treatment
Tailored for Your Health

No Bacterial Growth Phase Required. BLAST delivers actionable antibiotic susceptibility results in just 5 hours, eliminating the need for a bacterial growth phase, a groundbreaking advancement compared to the 24-72 hours required by traditional methods.

Faster Analysis

BLAST vs Industry Standard

Simplifying Your Path to Recovery with Precision

BLAST delivers actionable antibiotic susceptibility results in just 5 hours, eliminating the need for a bacterial growth phase, a groundbreaking advancement compared to the 24-72 hours required by traditional methods.

Graphic comparing CytoSPAR with the current standard of care, showcasing the significant reduction in time from sample collection to treatment initiation.Graphic comparing CytoSPAR with the current standard of care, showcasing the significant reduction in time from sample collection to treatment initiation.
Icon illustrating the diverse group of patients who benefit from CytoSPAR's BLAST technology, including those with complicated UTIs and other bacterial infections.

Who Benefits from BLAST

Patients experiencing recurrent infections
Individuals using catheters
Residents of long-term health facilities
Immunocompromised patients
Those with a recent history of antibiotic treatment
Patients with diabetes or significant health issues
Patients with a history of complicated Urinary Tract Infections (cUTI)
Patients experiencing recurrent infections
Individuals using catheters
Residents of long-term healthcare facilities
Immunocompromised patients
Those with a recent history of antibiotic treatment
Patients with diabetes or significant health issues
Patients with a history of complicated Urinary Tract Infections (cUTI)
Patients experiencing recurrent infections
Individuals using catheters
Residents of long-term healthcare facilities
Immunocompromised patients
Those with a recent history of antibiotic treatment
Patients with diabetes or significant health issues
Patients with a history of complicated Urinary Tract Infections (cUTI)
Patients experiencing recurrent infections
Individuals using catheters
Residents of long-term health facilities
Immunocompromised patients
Those with a recent history of antibiotic treatment
Patients with diabetes or significant health issues
Patients with a history of complicated Urinary Tract Infections (cUTI)
An elderly couple enjoys a peaceful sunset stroll in the park, exemplifying the quality of life that CytoSPAR aims to support through its rapid UTI diagnostics and personalized healthcare solutions.

Advantages of BLAST for cUTI Patients

Targeted and Effective
Icon depicting CytoSPAR’s commitment to providing targeted and effective diagnostic solutions that ensure precise and optimal treatment outcomes.

Precisely identifies the most effective antibiotics, reducing trial and error.

Reduces Recurrence
Icon highlighting CytoSPAR's BLAST technology that effectively reduces the recurrence of infections, promoting long-term patient health.

Starts the right antibiotic early, lowering the risk of infection return.

Follow-up Testing
Icon representing CytoSPAR's capability for continuous monitoring, ensuring ongoing assessment and management of treatment effectiveness.

Enables ongoing adjustment of treatments for optimal outcomes.

Icon emphasizing CytoSPAR’s focus on safety, ensuring all diagnostics and treatments meet the highest standards of patient care.

Minimizes unnecessary antibiotic exposure, minimizing potential side effects.

Icon showcasing CytoSPAR's commitment to user-friendly diagnostic solutions, designed for simplicity and ease of use in healthcare settings.

Offers a straight forward, non-invasive testing experience for patients and providers.

Quick Decisions
Icon illustrating CytoSPAR's support for quick decision-making in healthcare, enabling faster treatment and improved patient outcomes.

Delivers results within 5 hours, expediting treatment initiation.

Global Application
Icon demonstrating CytoSPAR’s global reach, highlighting its application in diverse healthcare settings worldwide for effective disease management.

Aids in the global battle against antibiotic resistance by promoting appropriate antibiotic use.

Comparative Advantage

Industry Standard
Tests Direct from Urine Sample
Bypasses Growth Phase for Analysis
Determines MIC
Direct Result Delivery to Provider
Results in 5 hours
Objective Results
Works on both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

CytoSPAR BLAST sets a new benchmark in antibiotic susceptibility testing, dramatically enhancing the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of diagnostics. This leap forward ensures healthcare providers can make quicker, more informed treatment decisions, significantly improving patient care and outcomes in the fight against infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance.

Ready for Rapid Results?

Take the first step towards advanced care. Discover the difference BLAST can make for you.

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